Friday, February 22, 2008

More random goodness

Here's a couple of easy ways to do something good:
The Oxfam America Collegiate Click Drive. Find your college in the list, or sign up your college in the list, or pick one of the colleges on the list. Then click twice a day to generate donations to fight poverty.
Another hunger fighting site is Free Rice. Sponsors donate rice through the UN World Food Program when you get vocabulary words right. This is addictive.

Did you know that, very likely in your own county, is a repository of useful information? I'm not talking about the library (though that's also a handy resource), I'm talking about your Extension office. And now there's a national portal to Extension: eXtension. It's a growing resource for research-based information on a wide range of topics. And you can type in your zip code to locate the Extension office nearest you. (I don't usually mix work with this blog, but I think the eXtension project is neat and K-State Research and Extension has had a good bit of involvement in it. I even helped edit a few articles.)

National Grammar Day is March 4. Word geeks rejoice.

In related news, a New York City public servant has been recognized for his correct use of a semicolon. (And be sure to read the appended correction.)

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