Friday, October 20, 2006

Friday news and views

(someday I've got to figure out a more interesting title for this type of thing)

Good reading today:
Who's to Judge at the Master's Artist, in which Mark Bertrand offers up a fresh reading of Phil. 4:8. Excellent.
Mick Silva is moving Toward a Definition of Christian Literature. Also excellent.
Ashangel, a story by Robert W. Hegwood at Infuze. This is a really beautiful story, and guess what -- you don't have to be registered to read at Infuze anymore. They've opened up their content to everyone. But you can still register to receive their weekly newsletter. There's a lot of great stuff at Infuze, so check it out.

Techy tip:
I installed a new extension for Firefox yesterday: Tab Mix Plus. This is very cool. It gives you close tab buttons for each tab, as well as a lot of other features for managing your tabs.
I loaded up another extension for Firefox, too: Tab Preview. It does exactly what it says -- mouse over a tab that's not your current window and it previews that page. Very cool.
One the great things about Firefox is the way you can add features through extensions. I probably get a little crazy with this, but there's a lot of neat things available. I use Firefox more than any other browser, even Safari, and this is part of the reason why.

A grammar hint:
A while back I wrote a grammar hint about semicolons for the ACE Writing SIG (special interest group). It is posted, at last. You can check out the archived grammar hints (the link is at the bottom of the page) for more grammar goodies. I did one last year about 'all right.'

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