Wednesday, June 29, 2005

A picture

Blogger lets you upload images straight from your computer! This is cool. So I tried it. In case you're wondering, this is my family, mid-60s or so. It's Easter, I think. We're on the steps of the church where my dad was minister for most of the 1960s. The girl in the adorable matching coat and dress (and cat-eye glasses) is yours truly. Those two little boys are my brothers. Tim is in the suit coat, Jim is the redhead. Tim and Jim grew up to be ministers and I grew up to be ...


Paula said...

I so enjoyed seeing this picture!

lindaruth said...

I suppose it does take one back a bit (at least if you remember the 60s!).

Valerie Comer said...

I haven't tried blogger's new photo function yet, but I sure hope its easier to use than the Picasa/Hello setup. And I have an almost matching photo of our family, same time, same station. Well, my mom has it, so I guess I'm not posting it any day soon... :)

lindaruth said...

This is really easy. It's pretty much one step.